Illusion of Grandeur available for pre-order!

I’ve been working since before the release of Through the Lichgate, trying to give Thana’s self-absorbed classmate Pierre a chance in the spotlight. The book is finally finished, and I couldn’t be more proud of it!

Illusion of Grandeur is available for preorder now!


Illusion of Grandeur follows Pierre Chastain, a teenage illusionist in over his head. He’s built himself a life, a world, an identity as someone powerful, and the events of the first book have shattered everything he set up.

How is he going to deal with Thana and her necromancy, with the knowledge of what she has done?

How will he handle the magical agencies that are starting to take notice of him and the Drama Club?

If it comes down to it, and he has a chance to escape this life and take control of everything around him, what will he do with it?

I can’t wait for people to get their hands on the book, to dive into Pierre’s head and experience the smoke and mirrors that come with being an illusionist. After all, the power to emulate the senses, to create reality, is enough to fool anyone.

Even yourself.

The book is available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle, and will be available soon in paperback as well. Expect a release December 5th!

Through the Lichgate

Illusion of Grandeur (coming December 5th!)

-Kyle Adams

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